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Description of Fully Automatic Rotational Three door Taiping Cabinets - Common Specifications and Dimensions of Corpse Refrigerators

Belonging category:Funeral refrigeration Publishing Date:20240114 views:4

Structure and technical performance of automatic rotating three-door Taiping cabinet and three-drawer corpse refrigerator

Fully automatic rotating three-door Taiping cabinet box is made of stainless steel; The corpse stretcher is made of stainless steel plate, which has the characteristics of firmness and durability; All the stretchers in the cabinet are made of nylon pulleys, which is more convenient and labor-saving. The door frame is made of special PVC profiles, with internal and external heat insulation, and the semi-buried door technology of cold storage is popular. It is the first full polyurethane foam 100mm insulation layer in China, with good insulation effect.

The refrigeration system is a fully enclosed refrigeration unit with a voltage of 220V, which has the characteristics of fast refrigeration and low noise. Microcomputer temperature control automatic start and stop, delay protection compressor function; The refrigeration technology that the temperature in the cabinet can reach -18℃ * has good quality, reliable performance and convenient use, which is more energy-saving and electricity-saving than the ordinary corpse refrigerator.

Body freezer is mainly divided into the following categories:

Integrated Taiping cabinet-length x width x height 2.43X0.82X0.54 (m) (rated voltage 220V)

Two-body Taiping cabinet-length x width x height 2.70X0.94X1.30 (m) (rated voltage 220V)

Three-body Taiping cabinet-length x width x height 2.70X0.94X1.80 (m) (rated voltage 220V)

Four-body Taiping cabinet-length x width x height 2.70X1.78X1.30 (m) (rated voltage 220V)

Six-body Taiping cabinet-length x width x height 2.70X1.78X1.80 (meter) (rated voltage 220V)